miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

Trabajo de la Unidad 4 Octavo EGB Part 2

Utiliza el verbo TO BE en su forma correcta.
 Jane a teacher? No, she . She  a doctor.
 you American? No, I. I Australian.
 John and Paul at home? No, they . They  at the university.
 the book on the table? No, it . It on the chair.
 your father from Madrid? No, he . He  from Barcelona.
Transforma las siguientes frases en frases interrogativas o negativas, según se pide en las instrucciones entre paréntesis.
1. Your brother's a doctor. (frase negativa)
2. Teachers are on holiday in August. (frase interrogativa)
3. It's late. (frase interrogativa)
4. You're from Denmark. (frase negativa)
5. They're my friends. (frase negativa)
6. I'm late for class. (frase interrogativa)
7. You're at home this weekend. (frase interrogativa)
8. This seat's free. (frase interrogativa)
9. She's married. (frase negativa)
10. Mary's happy here. (frase negativa)
 a teacher in a language school in Bath. I  married and I have two children. My brother  a doctor in a hospital in the city. He  25 and he  (not) married. We live in Bath but we  from London and every Christmas we go back to our parents' house to spend the holidays together. Last year we  in London for a week.The weather (not) good but we  happy to be together. This year, my brother (not going to) in London for Christmas because he  (going to) sightseeing in Paris with some friends. I would like  in Paris, even if for a weekend!

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